Friday, June 11, 2010


Today I learned a valuable lesson.  I am my own worst enemy.  Procrastination is a form of fear.

One of the worst things I have done to myself over the years is procrastinated.  Not just with my personal life, but also with  work tasks, and long term business goals.  Its amazing that I have accomplished as much as I have thus far.  Although I am nowhere near the level I should be at this stage of life.   I have repeatedly told myself, "I'll get to it".  Now that I am looking at nearly two years of  saying those words, I am angry with myself because I have no one to blame but myself. 

I THOUGHT I was motivated to pursue my dreams, but the fear of failure (or success) has somehow masked itself in the form of procrastination.  To think I tell people to follow their dreams and here I am not following my own.  Planning means nothing if I don't "ACT"! So today I am making a conscious decision to execute all of the plans I've made over the last few years.   I know what I have to do AND how to do it, so I just have to get off my ass and JUST DO IT!!

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