Friday, June 12, 2015

General Observations

My brain is on overload with all of the craziness going on in America and within this world. I need to decompress! When will we all understand some simple truths about America and the world we live in today??
Racism will ALWAYS exist on BOTH sides! However, those that carry those feelings in their hearts must be held accountable when they intentionally inflict harm or insite chaos among us. Just as it wasn't socially acceptable to love persons of other races in the past, it's not socially acceptable to hate those unlike you today.
Hatred is based on one of two things. FEAR or ENVY. The hard part is determining which fits in a given situation and CHOOSING to get to the root of the problem.
Respect is EARNED. Age, race, status, employment nor wealth ENTITLES anyone to respect. Speak to people respectfully and they'll typically respond in the same manner. Unless of course they hate you or have a racist heart.
Parenting today's children requires consistency, courage and discipline. Once again, RESPECT is earned. If a child doesn't respect his/her home, it's IMPOSSIBLE for us to expect them to obey rules. The ability to create life doesn't equate to the ability to be a good parent. We parents need to get out of our feelings! Our kids are not ALWAYS innocent, just as they are not always guilty. We really need to put our egos and pride on the back burner and get help or entrust the rearing of our children to someone better qualified to raise them. Our kids are reflections of us and WE COLLECTIVELY SUCK!
Blood relatives are not always family just as family is not always blood relatives. Family you trust will look out for you, carry your secrets and share your pain, BUT they also hold you accountable when necessary. Family will not air your dirty laundry or say things about you that they've not already said or have the courage to say TO you, but RELATVES will carry that bone as quickly as they received it! In many instances water IS thicker than blood!
In THIS country, we have the power and the constitutional right to become whatever we choose. The "system" was designed during an era led predominately by white males. Times have evolved and so SHOULD the "system". However you can't fight a house fire from the street alone and expect it to ever be extinguished. Things only change when those on the street have people in the house fighting with them. Hate it or not, my black, brown, yellow and white female friends, we HAVE to be educated AND involved.
We can't change the hearts of all, but we can save the souls of a few. We will never be a prosperous nation if our sole purpose of self wealth and comfort justifies the continuous disregard for others.