- Always tell the ones you love that you love them…even if they get tired of hearing it! (If you don’t, you WILL regret it!).
- Never allow your emotions cause you to lose focus. Saying or doing something to hurt another may end up hurting yourself more than anyone else.
- People MUST be accepted “AS IS”.
- Be yourself. If someone loves you, they WILL do #3.
- If you put the needs of all before the needs of self, your needs (& wants) will be met.
- Don’t live with regrets. If (or when) you make a mistake, take the wisdom from that lesson and use it as knowledge to make better decisions the next time.
- Treat all people with kindness and respect. The ones you need are usually the ones who expect nothing from you.
- If you get a chance to right a wrong, do so. If not, forgive yourself. If wrong was done to you, forgive the wrongdoer and leave the baggage from the pain in the past.
- Be thankful for the time you are given and use it wisely. Progressive thoughts and a positive, productive attitude will carry you through the times you find yourself stagnate.
- Don’t give up on anything you believe in, dream of or desire to accomplish. Time is all you have in life, so until God says your time is up, IT’S NOT TOO LATE (for anything)!!
- You can (and will) overcome anything and everything that stands in the way of your success or happiness IF you choose to win over those obstacles (situations, circumstances and/or people).
- Your greatest pleasure will be found in the joy of helping another, but you MUST be cognizant of those around you. Sometimes your “help” MAY actually be hurting. Be honest. When you recognize when you are enabling someone, STOP.
- TRUE Friends are priceless. They will correct you, upset you and even hurt you, but they are always genuine. They are loyal and always looking out for your best interest--even when you are in disagreement.
- Your children are modified versions of yourself. Be sure to raise them as “Improvements To” rather than “Carbon Copies Of” you.
- To love someone (partner or spouse) requires you to look within to determine if you are ready, willing and WORTHY of their love in return. Ask yourself…. Can I sacrifice my wants for their needs???? Be TRUTHFUL. It’s the ONLY way to ensure your life is a dream realized rather than a lifetime nightmare.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Although I wrote this in 2011, I STILL find it helpful to me NOW!! Especially since I seem to experience new adventures and/or struggles DAILY! It is my hope that ONE day, I won't need to read these words to be reminders, but that I master the struggle against my own demons, fears and pain!
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