Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Believe what you will, but things happen for a reason!  Meeting a random person is not a coincidence.  Finding a bargain is not luck. Like it or not, we are in control of absolutely nothing!  Everything is already planned!  The tricky thing is that we control how long it takes us to reach our destination! The problem is most times we don't have a clue where the hell we're going!  

If what you "want" disagrees with why you were created, you will have an internal conflict as long as you live!  My friends are probably sick of hearing me say this (but I will say it until my last breath)..."I'm the star in my own movie." Sounds arrogant and a little selfish, but that's the farthest thing from reality.  Truth is we need to know why we're here (on Earth) and believe it or not, our desires are immaterial! It doesn't matter if you dig ditches, drive buses or run a fortune 500 company, EVERYTHING you do touches the life of someone.  

When I came to the realization that my actions actually matter to someone other than me, it was a real gut check!  Not because I intentionally did anything to harm anyone, but because I didn't intentionally do anything to HELP anyone! From that day, (and yes I remember the day-October 12, 2008),  things that were once priority became unimportant! No more concerns about designer labels, passport stamps or even social status... Now don't get it twisted, I STILL like to travel and buy nice things, but they are no longer as important to me as trying to help another overcome an obstacle or hardship.  

All I can say is now... the change in my thoughts, actions and lifestyle has given me the best life!  You gotta selflessly bless another in order to be blessed. Sometimes what seems like sacrifice is actually sowing a good seed and TRUST me... IT COMES BACK TEN FOLD!!   

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


When I hear the word "resurrection" my thoughts normally surround the literal biblical reference, but truth is we all have experienced our own resurrection.  That's because life has a way of slowly killing our spirit.  We never notice we're dying until we've experienced our death and in some cases we've "died" and still don't have a clue!  If we don't have a meltdown beforehand, it will take those one or two REAL friends to give us that painful reality and even then we come up with excuses, point blame and downright deny what the rest of the world sees when when they look at us!

Those little character builder's or lessons learned or whatever you want to call them teach you two things, to be less like yourself and more of who everyone expects you to be.   I'm a smart ass who knows it all and of course I can see it happening to EVERYONE else, but somehow my mirror gave me the reflection of someone who had it all together! Talk about rose-colored glasses!! Hell I had my own pastel mirror and let me tell you ... that damn mirror is hard to walk away from!!  LOL

Every "situation" I found myself in chiseled away a little part of me.  Again, I'm a smart ass, so I THOUGHT once I got over a hurdle or fixed a problem, it was a done deal.  As long as no one could see what was really going on it was all good, right?  WRONG!  I'd been dying a slow death for nearly twenty years but "faking the funk" put me on the fast track to my death.  

I don't think there's one way for anyone to do anything, but what I KNOW is you have to pursue your passion, follow your instincts and do it YOUR WAY!  It may take you longer to reach your goals, but when you do things that FEEL right, you get your life back a little at a time!  I'm no where near where I want to be, but I'll get there. When I make it, there will be no regrets for me to look back on!  

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Vision

I am so fascinated with the constant learning that continues throughout my life.  As we change, we continuously cause those close to us to "re-learn" our behaviors and/or needs.  I personally will never understand how God created such complex creatures within such a short time frame!

Luckily, I am consistently growing in my faith walk and HIS vision for me is becoming clearer each day.  Ironically (and thankfully), HIS vision for my life is NOTHING like mine! His will is forcing me to go outside of my comfort zone and even into areas I thought were off-limits to a Type A woman like me!

The "Three H's" (hurt, hardship and heartbreak) are now behind me, but I am thankful for each of them... I see EVERYTHING in a different light now.  No more fast-paced, chaotic situations.  I enjoy every moment as if my last breath is coming within the hour.  Buying things mean nothing now. Creating happy memories and making others smile is what gets me up every day.

Helping another get through the H's is the reason he made me!  I learned my lessons, received my purpose and now I'm on a SERIOUS mission to fulfill my Life's work! Temporary situations are just that...TEMPORARY!  PRESS ON PEOPLE!